Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Dealing With Fickle Clients 101The boss signed a new client as an advertiser in the magazine. Huge company this one, they produce a range of FMCGs and are very much a part of your household purchases. Let's refer to them as Client.
On the operations level, we deal with a particular product manager, let's call him Ah Pek. Did some research and came up with the article for the Client and emailed it to Ah Pek. The content of course, is very much relevant to the product they will be advertising on the accompanying page.
Ah Pek told us that this is not the angle they are employing for their campaign this year, and provided us with a new direction. Cool.
Got cracking, and out came the second article. Proudly sent it off to Ah Pek, thinking that it will be a job closed. Waited....
Ah, finally a reply. "Blah blah blah, could you write an article on this topic?"
Cool.Actually, not so cool anymore. But hey, new client = don't piss them off no?
Went to work on the third article and was actually quite happy with it upon completion. Emailed the article to Ah Pek, with mention of the time constraints we're operating under and for him to revert by a certain time.
Obviously it didn't happen. But three hours later, Ah Pek sent me an email. "blah blah blah (insert pseudo-courtesy lines) blah blah blah, we will follow back the first version".FUCK ME.
So I locked up the office, went down to the boutique and got me self a happy dress.
Damn. Too dark kan?
Another shot.

Happy sunshine-y dress!
It's amazing how a pretty thing for only RM59.90 can bring so much happiness.
Ah Pek who?
Posted by Doreen at 6:22 pm