Saturday, September 27, 2008

RPK is 58

From Susan Loone -


We have a birthday gift for RPK, as he celebrates his 58th birthday today. No doubt he is in solitary confinement in Kamunting, thousands of us are in there with him as well!

The birthday gift goes like this …

A really good soul named Allan has designed a WEBSITE with an online protest for RPK and the other ISA detainees in Kamunting.

This OPEN LETTER was drafted by the Abolish ISA Movement or GMI (Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA), and is a good open letter, where the message to release RPK and abolish ISA is damn clear.

All you have to do is type your name and select the name of the idiot politician you want to send your letter to, and then click on SEND (Now!). There is an option for RPK as well.

The letter is sent directly to their email boxes. And what’s more, the program calculates how many letters are sent out. So we can monitor the progress of the online protest.

This is a very peaceful protest and the plan is to flood the emails of the relevant idiots who had a hand in RPK’s arrest and subsequent delivery to Kamunting Detention camp.

Their names are on the website.

These are the guys who have ‘blood’ on their hands, as many others are in the camp, too, while we are yet to know whether they are guilty or not of the reasons why they are put in there in the first place.

Please advertise this action as much as you can. I have sent letters to all of them, how about you?

Posted by Doreen at 11:09 am