Wednesday, August 27, 2008

BFF: Part 2

The one where we served beers.

I don't remember why or how we decided to take on part-time employment during our KDU days, but we did. And so we landed ourselves as waitresses at the same pub at the Promenande in 1 Utama. At RM5 per hour, it was lucrative. Back then, normal cafes were only paying RM3.50 an hour.

Our bosses - Max and Rubyann - in case you forgot.

But the real hottie was Chris, the pub manager. Sadly, our second day at work was his last day. It was also my 18th birthday and Chris bought me my first flaming lamborghini.

Remember how customers used to ask us if we were sisters?

Remember Mat the bartender with long hair? And Atuk the other Malay chap?

Of course, after Chris left, we had Mary the bitch with her menthol ciggies.

1 Utama was different back then, no such thing as the new wing. But we had tonnes of fun there didn't we?

After a coupla months at the wine bar, you left for Spike, another bar/club just round the corner of the same floor. While I was still wearing the beige t-shirt or the green Heineken t-shirt, you were wearing red, like all Spike staff. But we still ran around and had ciggie breaks with each other.

Remember Skin? Remember Patrick? Remember Spike and wife? Remember Radha? And Naresh? Remember Daryl?

Well, me being the damn alcoholic that I was, loved the pub days! I enjoyed it so much that I thought I was born to waitress and/or bartend.

But you - you and alcohol never did click!

A few sips of bourbon and coke would get you high. And red.

I remember once, we went out for an IRC gathering of some sort at Spoon @ Centrepoint (damn old school!), maybe halfway through a glass of drink, you were so drunk you crawled under the table and cried. Emo sial you!

But of course, you know your limits - a glass (or less! hehe!), but I never knew mine and would more often than not end up sloshed.

I lost count.

You must have too :)


I've come to realize that we don't have THAT many pictures together. Maybe we had more of the ones we took in Australia... but I don't have them now. Oh well.

Here's one which I stole from you - taken easily 5 or 6 years back - but definitely after our return from Australia cos I bought that skirt in Perth. Your shirt is a GAP if not mistaken. I'm still running around KL in that skirt. The ends are all frayed now.

Posted by Doreen at 5:03 pm