Monday, March 30, 2009
In the last coupla years, my 'paint-the-town-red' outings have decreased dramatically. No more going out just because. No more 3 or 4 times a week alcoholic binge. No more can't-stay-home feeling. No more I-must-go-out-cos-it's-Friday-nite too! These days, only a few things will get me out of the house. The list of course excludes the must-dos like going to work Monday-Friday, meal times and all chores like servicing the car and stuff. - Anything dive related, so that includes going for classes, dive trips, and therefore this also includes (yay!) going out with the persons involved!
- Movies at GSC.
- Weekend gallivanting at the mall where I pick up groceries, toiletries, and the odd shoe/bag/dress.
- Late at night Starbucks indulgence
- And good friends.
On 'good friends', and my desire to document this...

A good night's out with awesome company should result in this:
- An aching stomach from laughing too hard, too loud, too often
- A dry throat (from talking and laughing too much)
- An all-round warm and cosy feeling
- A slightly woozy feeling from having one too many drinks (heh!)
And yes, Brana, we missed you!
Posted by Doreen at 5:15 pm