Monday, January 31, 2005
I cannot think properly. The noise outside is insane. There are 5 men outside our room area setting up more office partitions. Sounds of drills, hammers, the irritating clank of metal against metal *shudder*
Construction and renovation works in and around the office should be left till after office hours. It's understood! Event coordinators at shopping malls wait till after 10pm to set up booths, put up decor, etc. When planning an event for a client at a hotel, our set up for stage, sound and light usually start after 10pm, when the previous event ends.. and rehearsals (should there be one) can sometimes happen well after midnight! So why can't people who do renovation for offices start work after we knock off at 6?
I found something really interesting in the Star Metro section today. The whole of page 16 was a listing of all the fabulous and yummy restaurants around town, categorised by cuisine served. On page 17 was a full page ad for Cenosis, advertising their Chinese New Year slimming promotion. Page 18 was a restaurant review with a picture of the chef alongside his various creations. Page 19 was a full page ad for Sensualite, again with another slimming programme that screams "I lost 11 kgs in 2 weeks!" by some Ms. Nora.
I found it funny. What do they call it.. when two contrasting sentences are strung together.. a paradox is it? C'mon, eat! Stuff your face, pig out, it's OK to indulge. Don't worry about gaining weight.. cos hey, there are so many slimming centres these days!
According to a Feng Shui expert from Singapore who was interviewed and the article in the papers today, I must carry 88 grains of uncooked rice in a red packet and a gold pendant all year round for good luck and protection. Feng Shui experts have said that this year, the Year of the Rooster is rather inauspicious for most of us.
As much as we are today, being heavily drugged with Western influences and ideologies, I still am quite fascinated by these feng shui and Chinese superstitions and beliefs - to a point whereby I actually contemplate following experts' advise on what to do and what to avoid. This is not to say that I'm a big fan of Lilian Too. Never bothered with her yet. Mainly because I don't like the way she speaks. Every time I hear her voice, I cringe. I know, I'm evil.
Back to that feng shui and Chinese astrology beliefs, I would rather follow and take some precautions and 'safety measures' to at least prevent bad luck if not bring good luck. I mean, it's a whole year we are talking about! I daren't risk exposing myself to all the bad and evils that are lurking around.
Off to count 88 grains of rice now.
Posted by Doreen at 3:45 pm