Friday, May 25, 2007
I had no problem getting out of bed this morning. In fact, I bloody got up at 8:00am! Drove out to buy the day's papers and I was soon home putting on the kettle for my morning cuppa. Hello. My name is Doreen and I am unemployed. Tee hee hee. Well, for the next 3 weeks that is. Packed my belongings and carted them home from the office yesterday, from my office for the last 4 years and 9 months. I can't say that I didn't feel sad, cos I did tear up on one occassion while saying my goodbyes to some colleagues. But I took a deep breath and then it was OK. But needless to say, the exhiliration of walking to my car with a box of my belongings was a kick-ass high. I guess a part of me is glad that the recent drama is now over - for good. I have enjoyed my time there. You know, the works - the laughter, the tears, the successes, the failures, the stress and the satisfaction - the memories and experience I walk away with. Not to mention the people I know I will be lifelong friends with. I welcome this period of unemployment, this 3-week break before I report for duty at the new workplace. It's my first real break since I dived into the workforce some 5 years ago. I'll be home, catching up on some R & R (yes! even after Perhentian!) and have already got some broadcasting and writing stints lined up. Hey, a girl's gotta eat too! In the mean time, if you know of any fun stuff I should check out or get involved in, lemme know!
Posted by Doreen at 2:58 pm
Blogs I read