The Oral Stage presents The Illusion, a free adaptation by Tony Kushner based on Pierre Corneille's neoclassical French comedy, L'Illusion Comique. The Illusion follows a contrite father seeking news of his prodigal son from a sorcerer. As she conjures episodes from the young man's life, the father confronts the ultimate- and unexpected- truth about his son. The Illusion weaves obsession and caprice, romance and murder, fact and fiction, into an enticing exploration of the greatest illusion of all- love.
This production falls under TOS' biggstage division, a creative outlet for more experienced individuals to be part of theatre productions at a more professional and advanced level. The Illusion would be TOS' first full-length feature in its three years of establishment.
Featuring Isma Hanum Husein, Mohamed Shamir, Christine Ellis, Yong Ka Vee, Marvin Wong, Batsheba Zlikha Arsalan, Azmir Abdullah and Mark Beau de Silva. Produced by Christine Ellis and directed by Kelvin Wong. Supported by The Dram Projects.
Showdates & Time 13th – 16th & 19th – 21st December 2007, 8.30 pm 3.00 pm on 22nd December
Venue The Dram Projects studio BG-06, Happy Mansion Apartments Jalan 17/13, 46400 Petaling Jaya
Tickets RM20
Ticket contact 017-2276428
On the web
There! Go watch!
On another note. Got together with the bunch of fun people at Erin's little party yesterday.
Party Rating
People / Company - 5 stars
Food - 3.5 stars
Party Management & Organisation by Clinique - Fail
Picutres can be found
here.A special shoutout to Rachel - be good, be safe, have fun :) I know you'll be back after 5 months, but still, you're going so far away *sobs* We'll drive around when you get back OK?
Tee hee.