Friday, June 06, 2008
The all-girl Sales team decided to wrap up the week with a nice lunch at Planter Jim's in Bangsar. With an outside back cover and a double page spread booking that came in yesterday, we are all ending the week on a pretty high note. Over tom yum soup, kangkung belacan and deep fried garoupa drenched in tamarind sauce, we giggled and dared each other to order a cocktail. That of course never materialized. I wouldn't mind a mojito or a long island iced tea actually. "Ooo, check that one out! So metro!" Karyn cooed. I looked. "Are you sure? There's fine line between being metrosexual and gay you know?" I said."Very fine line," said Nikki. Kristine went on to tell us about an ex-boyfriend who had more facial care products than she did, occupying three quarters of the shelf they shared. Good riddance I say. "But they should learn how to take care of themselves you know? Like what harm is there going for a manicure and a pedicure? They should take care of their feet too," Karyn said. We continued eyeing the people walking by, men and women alike. Nice rounded ass, defined jaw, perky boobs, strong arms, tight butt, etc. OK, fine, we higlighted many parts of both the male and female anatomy. The 3 of us were giggling away and we didn't notice Nikki's silence. Until she said..."Stop! Stop! Stop! You guys, STOP! I can't listen to this anymore!"Puzzled. We hushed for a bit and looked at her."Dammit, I need to get laid!"
Posted by Doreen at 4:18 pm
Blogs I read