Friday, May 22, 2009

chart throb

I'm glad American Idol (err... Season 8 is it?) is over.

It can be a tad annoying when people ask me who my favourite singer is, or who is going to win the showdown between Adam and Kris.

American Idol Season 1, I watched it - religiously. When Season 2 came, sometimes I watched it, sometimes I don't. Come Season 3, I remembered watching it towards the end. Then I just stopped. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 came and went.

Randy is weird. Dog this and that. Paula is a motherly-drunkard. Simon is a twat, but only because it is scripted that way. Gotta have a balance, right?

At the start of this recent season, I stumbled upon one of the audition days while channel surfing and devoted some minutes for a good laugh. But I never caught any of the following episodes.

Sure, I know about Lambert, Gokey and Allen - they were all over the news, and people couldn't stop talking about them.

I even stumbled upon blog entries about people caught between the whole Lambert-Allen warfare. I'm sure you've seen it on FaceBook too. Insane!

I never really analyzed why I stopped watching American Idol. But I guess it got boring after all the other look-a-likes started appearing - One In a Million, Akademi Fantasia.

But look here, if you're an American Idol fan, I do hope you can spare some time to read Ben Elton's Chart Throb. Or if you're not a fan, read it too. It will make you realize why you don't watch the show.

I've got the book, and would gladly let you have a go at it.

Posted by Doreen at 4:49 pm