Monday, July 19, 2004

How Would He Tell Me?

I have this thing about sleeping on Sunday nights. Hate to be home early and sleep early on a Sunday night, believing that if I do sleep early, Monday will come even earlier! Bollocks, Monday is never absent! What would happen, say, if one supposedly Monday morning I open my eyes to find that Monday is indeed absent. Hmm.. I wonder what would the sign be? Would God have left me a lipstick scrawl of words on my mirror? Or a yellow post-it note on my dresser table? Hmmm...
The weekend has been a decent one. After a very long Friday, with emotional ups and downs that besiege the day and well into the night, I went home and crawled into bed. Sleep however did not beckon till way past midnight, which made me all the more miserable being home in bed, alone at that, on a Friday night.
Saturday was spent hanging out and then a party at Em's and Jake's place later in the night. It was a good get-together of friends. Usual scene.. the beers, tequila, vodka, cigarettes and the drugs. Bless Sharon for cooking us such a scrumptious dinner! I love that cold chicken dish.. Nothing like I've ever tasted before! She's a cool mom to have... Fancy having your children and their friends in your apartment drinking and smoking away. Then again... hmm... maybe not.
My Sunday was great. Woke up so very late in the afternoon... Decided it was, like any other Sunday, a good Sunday to have coffee at Bangsar with a good book and then do some people watching. Cheers to Lily, Pascal and Ea Wei for making my Sunday afternoon fun. The later part of the day was spent reading, having dinner, playing pool and coming home at again, an ungodly hour.
"Footsteps in an Empty Room" by Lily Sommers wasn't anything too fancy, a good read nevertheless. It's a spooky, romance novel. I like the twist in the end. Poor Alice Parkins who died with such tremendous guilt. A mere servant girl who out of spite and revenge sparked fires within the Cunnigham household and resulted in Master Cosmo murdering Madam Ambrosine. And everyone thought that Henry Marling was Ambrosine's lover! Never once I suspected Jonah the man servant!
Politicians, like they are always depicted, are corrupt and a bunch of jerks. Mark Markovic was indeed running a brothel.. with minors working too! Hmm.. What was that book that I read recently about a child porn ring? Oh shucks. Oh, but that Gary dude was nice. He was down-to-earth, smart and I imagine him to be rugged in denim, and maybe even a goatee to boast. HAHA.
Rosamund, however, doesn't strike me as much. Ah, I remembered one lesson from Screen Studies taught by Gary La Faber - parrallelism in movies. Except this is in a book. Rosamund's character is similar to that of her great-grandmother Ambrosine; her love affairs, her weak personality, etc. Even the name... Rose, Rosie...
Oh well, Stefi's online. Had better catch up with her. Been almost a week since I last saw or spoke to her! Poor girl's having a bad tummy at the moment...

Posted by Doreen at 9:10 am