Monday, August 30, 2004

Of fuschia and fashion...

Fuschia is... a brighter and darker shade of pink. Pink, traditionally, is associated with all things sweet and nice - pastel pink that is. When we think pink, we see cotton candy, bubblegum, little girls, babies and all things soft.

Fuschia however is more daring, bolder too! It screams "Look at me!". It also says, "Yes this is pink, but that don't mean I'm all demure and sweet, I kick butt too!"

All throughout history, people have also associated flowers with meanings. The fuschia represents taste and is associated with the third wedding anniversary.

Bought a fuschia coloured off-the-shoulder top over the weekend. Lovely. It's the second piece of fuschia coloured item in my wardrobe, the first being a halter-top which has a plastic, rubbery, polyester feel to it. The material I meant, and it's almost water-proof! HAHA. I end up buying the weirdest things. I have a leopard print top which I only wore once. Cos it's got frills on the lower part so it makes me look like Dumbo the elephant clad in a leopard print top. Ridiculous. Oh, we all have our fashion faux pas don't we?

I remember them yester years... What did I use to wear? Hmm.. baggy, low-slung jeans wth a pair of dirty sneakers and a little tee. That was pretty much my uniform during early college days. And jelly bracelets! Those thin rubbery ones that come in all sorts of colours.. I used to wear about 5 or 6 black ones on my right wrist. Remember the hype about jelly bracelets being sex bracelets? HAHA. That was hillarious! You snap my bracelet, you shag me! Woo hoo. Kinda dumb. But oh well, it was the hype then.

Let's rewind...

The seventies saw these...

The eighties saw these...

When the nineties came in... The world experienced a myriad of fashion. Fashion kept repeating itself, coming back and going away, and then coming back again. Did you know that capri pants originated in the 70s? Or that off-the-shoulder tops were from the eighties? And those huge brightly coloured earrings and chunky bracelets from the 80s are back again and they are everywhere these days!

OK, I'd better stop going on as though I'm Tom Ford or Zang Toi.

Posted by Doreen at 10:33 am