Thursday, August 19, 2004
I've been hitting on the snooze option way, way too much these days! Like I set the alarm to go off at 7:45 this morning, and by the time I eventually jumped out of bed, it was then 8:40am. Why have I become a slob? Sigh. I'm a slob, I'm a slob, I'm a slob... Hip hip hooray!
Last night, Resh made my day. He told me I could do it and he said he would support me all the way. He believed in me. I was so happy and well, in a way, honoured, to have someone pour so much encouragement on me and telling me that I've got what it takes. HAHA. Resh, thank you so much!
So I've always wanted to do radio. Last night in the car while driving home, Resh sms-ed to say, "I think you can be a DJ. Red 104.9FM looking". I was all excited, but said to him that I would love to apply, but with the little broadcasting experience that I have.. It's really nothing compared to industry standards and I'm a wee bit scared.
He then called me up shortly after that. "I stopped listening to HitzFM and now listen to Red. One particular morning when I heard Tim & Shareena on the Kickstart show, I went, 'What is Doreen doing on-air?" he said to me. Gee, thanks heaps mate! *lol* According to him, I've got the voice, the command of the language, the humour and the fun spirit to be a radio personality. He said I ought to record a demo and then send it in with my CV.
You know what? I'll do just that. I'll work out a short capsule and then go to a studio to have it recorded. HAHA.. I'm so excited! I guess I'm really no where near a good radio DJ, but I've got to start somewhere right? So if I send it in, and don't get shortlisted or anything, I'll know I'm not good enough yet, and will work towards accomplishing it. If I do get shortlisted, then I know I'm on the right track. But if I DON'T send it in, what if I never hear news that they are recruitting DJs ever again? What if I regret that I didn't strike while the iron is hot? What if I never ever live to see my dreams of broadcasting on-air all because I missed out on this one opportunity to work with Red? HAHAHAHAH. Shuddup Doreen!
I asked Stefi if I'll make a good radio DJ and she said, "Try it and you'll know. I have always got confidence in you. Go ahead. Nothing to lose!" I asked Al, he said to go ahead and try out and that I've got a nice voice over the phone so it should sound nice over the mic. HAHA. Ea Wei said something nice too.. though I don't remember his exact words. HAHA. ;P
I've got a few things I wanna try my hand at. Broadcasting and lifestyle / entertainment writing being the top of my list at the moment. A nice old man told me just recently, "If you've got the passion, you've already won half the battle!" Thanks Henry! :)
Hey, I do have a passion afterall huh? I used to think I was like a lost pebble out in the sea, directionless and without a passion to pursue something... Yeay! I've got one now! *smiles*
Posted by Doreen at 10:10 am