Monday, October 17, 2005
I have a new lamp for the room. Babe bought it for me from the Living Cabin when we were heading for dinner that night at the mall. We contemplated on the red for a while before deciding on the blue. No regrets of course.

The blue lamp gives the room a soft blue glow and sitting on my bed last night, I tried to take a picture of the lamp and the blue glow it emits - but in vain. I still haven't completely figured out my camera, so with the flash on, it's really bright and you can't see the blue light.
But our blue lamp is different from the usual lava lamp. Instead of the usual bubbles of lava that moves about the tube randomly in clear liquid, our lamp has in it, blue liquid, with little light-reflecting pieces floating about in there. When the lamp heats up, the little pieces dance about in the blue liquid, and it's magical.
When we first bought it that night, me and babe sat in bed, eyes fixed to the lamp and admiring the "underwater" feel the light projected. After looking at it for while, the little pieces which reflected light felt like jellyfish swimming around in the sea.
I stared at it longer, and it became pieces of magnified planktons floating about in the water visible through that burst of sunlight which penetrated the water.
When you can't afford to go to Tioman every other day, falling asleep in a blue-lit room, and feeling like you're underwater swimming amidst the fish and colourful corals will just have to do.
Posted by Doreen at 11:07 am