Friday, November 11, 2005
Our office received a couple of invites from MTV Asia in Singapore to attend the MTV MotoAlert Style event at Zouk KL. Not expecting much from such events in the first place, we went anyway thinking that it'd be good just to check out the whole set up and the whole event to see what the fuss is all about.

A couple of us braved the evening downpour and headed straight into town, taking us approximately 1.5 hours to get there, when on a usual night, about 20 minutes would suffice. That's OK, I can live with the jam. It IS afterall KL.
When we got to Zouk, in my all white outfit, I made a dash from the cobbly parking lot in my 3-inch heels in the rain. I had dirt and pebbles sticking all over my legs and thighs as puddles of water splashed around when I ran! I shivered for a good 20 minutes inside the airconditioned venue under my wet shirt. Brrr.
I guess the rain pretty much dampened everyone's mood as the crowd in the Main Room was disappointing. I guess that's the main reason why the whole show started 1.5 hours later than indicated on the invitation.

So fine, we thought we'd get ourselves some beers and enjoy for a bit after the traffic jam and the rain. "I'm sorry miss, we are not selling drinks tonight till after 10pm". What? They went around serving coke. Then I found out why - they were a couple of screaming teenybopper underaged kids at the event, well, I guess this is not an 18+ event huh. But alcoholic drinks were flowing at the VIP area *grins*
Then VJ Colby came on stage and started introducing himself, introducing the DJs for the night, and flanked on his sides were Malaysian twin sisters-cum-models May Wan and Choy Wan.
VJ Colby looks good. But his lines sucked. "I'm sorry we are late because uh, the dog ate my homework". Ha ha? The girls said a couple of fluffy bimbotic things and then disappeared backstage.
"OK.. maybe it will get better from here" I thought to myself. But no such luck!
Then a bunch of skinny-bag-of-bones models started hitting the stage to parade a series of outfits from Miss Sixty. Blah blah blah. Then a bunch of male models with thick eyebrows and well-defined jaws paraded outfits from Energie. Then the male and female models came out together and paraded even more outfits before May and Choy came out again in hideous looking army prints outfit. They came out, walked the stage without even stopping, and scurried back off again - very unprofessional! What were they DOING?!
The only thing that was worth it were DJ duo Lo Fidelity. Their console was placed right smack in the centre of the dance floor, giving all present a good view of them doing their set. One was the turntablist, and the other a keyboardist with an ultra cool gear. His mini keyboard was connected to a pipe with one end inserted into his mouth. As he presses the keyboard, the air travels up the pipe and exits through his mouth, and when he blows on it, a funky cool electronica kinda sound was made. I've never seen such a thing before and so it rocked.

They churned out some real funky and groovy numbers throughout the show, a blend of dance/funk/hip hop-influenced electronica. Uber cool.
In about 40 minutes, the show ended. All the models came back out again and started clapping their hands and Colby, May and Choy did their closing - and uh, well that was it really. Oh, and they shooed everybody out because the crew had to dismantle the stage for Zouk to prepare for their Thursdays Ghetto Heaven.
We left soon after. The rain had stopped. The puddles still everywhere around the unpaved and cobbly parking area and made our way home.
My conclusion? Time wasting.
PS: At least the freebies were good! = P
Posted by Doreen at 9:44 am