Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A very nice client recently gave me a brand new Sony Ericsson Z800i. Very nice people. I could do with more clients like these.
Well, any phone would be better than my current Samsung, which is very - yesterday. Of course it had a colour screen and polyphonic ringtone! I'm not THAT yesterday lah.
It is the first 3G unit released by Sony Ericsson, and well, there's always room for improvements right? So, as you can see, it is a rather chunky piece of gadget.

But I had fun familiarizing myself with this new toy!
The Z800i is equipped with a 1.3 megapixel camera with a rotating eye! The rotating eye is especially crucial for people like me, because I love taking pictures of myself, and constantly need to ensure that my hair is in place before the camera goes click. Being able to see myself on the screen is a plus point, and the rotating eye allows me to do just that! In addition to that, there are some super bright lights around the "eye" to allow for shots in the dark. I tried it while lying on my bed in the pitch black darkness - it works.

Another plus point about the phone would be the gigantic screen. It makes everything so much more comfortably for the eye, especially for SMS freaks like me. And, it's relatively easy to use actually.. so tech-idiots, worry not! The Z800i also comes with a 64MB memory stick and allows you to store pictures, video files and also MP3s, etc. The unit is also furnished with a USB cable, thus file transfer between phone and computer is hassle free. Just the initial installation of the software which came in a CD.
Traffic police might also have to amend their laws because these days, phones have loudspeakers, therefore, you don't actually have to hold the phone to your ears while driving. Better take full advantage of this before they tweak their laws!

The only thing that I need to get use to would be the size of the phone. My old Samsung was a small, sleek piece of thing compared to this Godzilla. The keypads are spaced well apart, making SMS with one hand quite difficult. Damn. Now I can't SMS and drive. It takes forever to get one SMS typed out while I'm driving! In addition to that, the video recording function is somewhat handicapped because it limits you to only 10 seconders per file.
The games are bullshit too. Only 2 games, tennis and some board game looking thing, and well, it looks kinda difficult, so I can't be bothered at this point in time. Oh, and unlike my old Samsung, I can easily flip it open with the use of my thumb! With the Z800i, it's quite difficult as well because the flip has a magnetic click to it everytime you open and close the phone.

But you know what? It's a new phone with 3G technology! Not like 3G matters much anyway, but it IS still a new phone to play with.
Posted by Doreen at 5:29 pm