Monday, September 11, 2006
The first 2 tattoos I got was more of a "fun" thing to do. I did it because I could and because I wanted to.
For the third one, I thought about it long and hard before I went to see Simon @ Borneo Ink.

Many, many, many years ago, I was a devil. No, I didn't kill anybody.. I was just 'going thru a phase' I guess. The whole nobody-understands-me shit, the rebellion, the hurt I caused people, the hurt I caused myself.
Well, I grew up, and fortunately, out of that so-called phase.
Sure, a beer and a cigarette ain't gonna hurt no one. And an occassional night out which ends with me bending over a gutter to empty out the contents of my stomach is all in the name of good fun.
I made mom cry. I stabbed dad in the heart. Today, all I want is for them to live the rest of their lives comfortable, happy and worry-free.
I was somewhat hesitant about monogamy, but am now a true practitioner and believer.
I used to think that all I wanted to do in life was to have fun. Today, I know that just having fun ain't gonna have my bills paid, and it must come from slogging my ass off 5 days a week!
I wanted something to commemorate my 25th year of being me. This year has been really special in so many ways. But most importantly, its been a year whereby my personal growth is truly "visible". Visible as in, I see heaps of big changes in me since I turned 25. Good changes.
The angel represents the "goodness" which I've become and still trying to become. The devils' fork (and the the horns on the halo) to remind me of my transition, and also to remind me that a little fun and naughtiness now and then is OK, because I don't want to be so uptight anyway!

To protect the originality of the artwork, I won't be uploading a close-up shot of the tattoo :)
Posted by Doreen at 10:04 am