Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Me, the Poet...

In my gut feeling kinda funny
Alcohol's the cause most likely

My limit I think I exceeded
But Long Island just tastes superb!

MidWeek parties a must for all
Keep us sane and to stand up tall

Way past noon I now sense hunger
Noodles, rice or a Quarter Pounder?

Playing on Winamp now is Eminem
To Slim Shady I now hum

Eyeing lolly on my table
Pink and red oh so edible

Control, control I must think
Lolly adds on cals in a blink! 

Robbie, Robbie he's so hot
Wonder where he gets that bod

Piercing stare so intense
Could just melt in my pants

Tattooed arm so damn fine
Those biceps, oh make him mine!

Better Man he croons away
He's the BEST I would say!

Posted by Doreen at 12:50 pm