Thursday, December 16, 2004
OK, apparently I fucked up my old template, so here's a new one.
Thanks Daphne!. I guess in a way screwing up my old template was a blessing in disguise cos now I have a refreshing new layout.
It's Thursday - my end of the week - as I will be away for a good 10 days starting tomorrow. Away from work, away from KL, though I'll miss the latter. I always do when I leave town, even for a couple of days. So excited about the holidays, wondering what's going to be in store.
Will MK and me be having beers in the afternoon and catching up, telling and re-telling tales from yesteryears? Will we have a wild Saturday night out in town drinking and dancing ourselves silly? Then I think about Tricia. Is that how her name is spelt anyway? Tricia? Trisha? She never really seemed fond of me. She's polite and courteous towards me, but I've never felt much warmth coming from her. Oh well, since MK will eventually end up marrying her, do you think I should start training myself to like her?
But oh... why bother? I see MK once, maybe twice a year - so I think our paths won't be crossing much. As much as I'd like to deny it, I do think this is a case of female rivalry. Back in our teenage years, I used to think that I'll have MK be the godfather of one of my children, and I would love to be godmother to one of his little ones too! But hmmm.. I don't see how it's gonna happen now.
And I look forward to spending 3 whole days with R! I never seem to get enough of him. When we're both in KL, our catching up is always limited to a good few hours.
Oooh, and then of course, there's Christmas. I can already picture mother in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Yes I'll be home for Chrissie this year. I didn't make it last year. And the year before as well I think. Hmmm, the fragrance of the freshly baked cakes and the golden brown giant bird that sits in the oven.. It's going to be perfect. How does it go again?
I'll be home for Christmas, You can count on me, Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents under the tree..?Had a nice evening with Elaine yesterday. Went for a quick dinner, and frantic Christmas shopping which resulted in us not getting anything. Except for ourselves. Or rather myself. I absolutely love the nail colour I now have on after visiting the nail parlour over the weekend. So I had to get one that is similar. The shade of burgundy is so Christmas, so womanly, so red and bold. And of course, how can you resist a little pretty white blouse which was just oh-so-pretty? *grins* Both sisters then proceeded to a bar for a little tete-a-tete and that was fun. After 2 glasses of gin and tonic she admitted that she was feeling a wee bit woozy. So we bade goodbye to the very tall, very muscular, ver flirtatious bartender, we called it a night.
Nice night. I wish we could do this more often.
Posted by Doreen at 10:59 am