Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Directly translated from the Chinese saying which I'm not even attempting to spell out in Romanized alphabets, this old saying basically means that old things, at a point in time, will have to make way for the new.
Just like my bedroom slippers.

Wait, it actually is much worse than that.

See how abused and dilapidated Old Blue Slippers has become?
It's been with me for a good 2 years now, and I remember purchasing it from Watsons for RM4.90! It has served me well for over 700 days, and I had trouble parting with it, resulting in it serving me waaaaay past its "expiry date", as you can see from the pictures. Poor thing.
Well, I decided it was time... therefore presenting to you *cymbals clang and drum roll* - New Pink Slippers!

New Pink Slippers came from Watsons too, and they cost me RM 5.90. OK lah, considering the recent fuel hike. New Pink Slippers feels soft, comfy and warm. I had almost forgotten how bedroom slippers are supposed to feel on one's feet till Pink came along.
And just one more for the photo album....

... before Old Blue Slippers was thrown out together with the garbage last night. It was good while it lasted, old pal!
Posted by Doreen at 5:30 pm