Friday, March 17, 2006
I hardly ever get any mail in my postbox. Everytime I open the postbox and stick my hand in, I end up retrieving plenty of junk mail as well as a whole heap of bills. I usually leave the bills unopen till it's time for me to pay them.
I've somewhat given up on that damn postbox - it brings nothing but misery. These days, I leave the chore of checking the postbox to my housemates.
Yesterday however, I received a mail in the postbox which gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. My name and address; handwritten on the envelope, by a handwriting I instantly recognized. The envelope bore stamps from the UK.
I clutched it tight to my chest, went into my room and hungrily devoured the envelope. Heh.

Wheee! Someone thinks I'm special!
Thank you Hammie Elaine! *muaks* Love ya lots and lots!
Posted by Doreen at 5:55 pm