Monday, April 17, 2006
At one of my recent freelance stints, I met the man (boy) of my dreams. He was absolutely gorgeous, cheeky and just to-die-for.

He was cheekily messing around with another boy who is obviously bigger than him.

Big boy moved away, but my man continued harrasing big boy. Don't you just adore men who are persistant and know how to get what they want?

Men at work! He was one of the models for the day, parading outfits from Soda Kids and Poney. Look at how confident and suave he is!

Isn't he just adorable? Johnson is 7 years old, and very small in size for his age. But I have no doubt he will grow up to be big and strong, and have girls all over him like bees! Just look at those eyes and that cheeky smile of his!
Posted by Doreen at 3:43 pm