Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I went downstairs for a mid-afternoon ciggie break. The area has been 'launched' or rather, officially declared a Smoking Zone by the Management for more than 9 months now.
The Smoking Zone is an open air area, behind the Basement parking of the Main Block. It is shaded from the sun with one of those fibre roofings, and a pair of benches are placed there. Right in front of where the benches are placed, is a drain. And well, that's pretty much it.
For the past months, smokers have been throwing ciggie butts into the drain, and under the benches because there wasn't a trash can provided. The drain has proved more popular because from where we sit to smoke, with a slight flick of the ciggie butt, it lands straight into the drain.

You don't see much ciggie butts in the drain today.. the gushing water from a bigger interconnecting drain clears this smaller drain every now and then.
Imagine my delight when I saw this just now.

A spanking new trash can, complete with sand in the top crater for us to extinguish our butts. Yes, I know it's just another trash can, but when the Smoking Zone has provided me comfort for the past year, it's like having a new piece furniture in your living room or something.
Damn shiny OK the trash can! Syiok.

So I wasn't the first smoker to put out my ciggie here. But hey, Numero Two is fine. Heh!
Oh, those who are excitedly anticipating the finals of the European Champion's League against Barca and Arsenal.. I read this hillarious entry entitled
"How To Stop Ronaldinho". Go read. Fucking funny!
By the way, I'm also thinking of sending in a demo for this...

I sent in a demo for Red 104.9FM last year when they were looking for new talents. That didn't go anywhere. So, loud-mouthed me is thinking of trying again this year.
For more information on FlyFM's Flydol, point your browser to their
website. Not only will the grand prize winner walk away with a FlyFM Contract, but also lotsa prizes including a trip to Bali!
Live auditions are also being held for those who find it a hassle to record a demo.
21 May at Sunway Hotel Georgetown, Penang @ 1-5pm
28 May at Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya @ 1-5pm
Anyone interested to
teman me to Armada and let's do auditions together?
Posted by Doreen at 4:16 pm