Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I'm turning 26 this month.

What goes up and never comes down? Age. And there's really nothing I can do about it huh? Oh well. Just let me grow old healthy, wealthy and most importantly - gracefully. Even if I cannot prevent wrinkles and sagging boobs.
5 Things I'm Actually Quite Proud Of (and also feel blessed about) - Ten years since I've moved out of home. At 16, a lot of my peers were still living at home with mommy and daddy, but I was lucky to be given this freedom at such a young age. Sure, I abused it. Like every other teen on the block. But you know what? I've always regarded it as a blessing in disguise. I started young, but I also gained it young - being independent, ability to take care of myself and to kick ass when the need arises, to stand up for what I believe in, and to appreciate my family even more.
- Being a KL-ite. If there is one place I can call home - it would be KL. Born in Penang where we only lived for a couple of years, moved on to outskirts of Jakarta for 2, Melaka for 2, Johor Bahru for 5, Alor Setar for 1, Jakarta for 4, and now Johor Bahru is where the parents have bought a home. JB city itself bears no significance to me. After moving about so much, KL has been home for the last 10 years. Heh, now I just need a piece of property in KL to my name.
- A good family and parents who have provided me with the 2 most crucial things which have made me who I am today - good upbringing and education. I wasn't exactly an A student, but what I lack in academia, I make up for it with a mixture of integrity, personality, confidence, and charisma - something which I thank Dad's genes for.
- Have savings - FINALLY! I no longer go into negative at the end of every month and having to live from paycheck to paycheck. For the past few years, I've never had any money left come the 30th, and savings is something unheard of. Maybe it's because of the salary increment over the years, maybe it's me finally learning how to be frugal and understanding the importance of saving up for rainy days. Either ways, I'm glad.
- That I have a vagina and not a penis. Really! At least when people tell me to think, I know which head to use, I mean, since I've only got one right? Unlike them who have got penises. Poor things. Many a times they get confused and end up thinking with the wrong head. So I'm proud being a woman. I love being a woman. I want to come back in my next life as a woman. Being a woman rocks. ROAR.
5 Things I'm Not Proud Of - Ignored Amaran Oleh Kerajaan Malaysia - Merokok Membahayakan Kesihatan. With no resolution to quit at this point in time makes it all the more disgusting. But, but... coffee and beer would taste shite, taking a dump would no longer be fun, no pick-me-up on a sleepy afternoon at the office, and I'd have to chew on my fingers after each meal. Sigh... this year would mark a decade long of my nicotine addiction. Ouch.
- Not being able to read and write in Chinese. There's no one to blame but me because those damn POL classes that mom sent me to were meant to be taken seriously! As I grow older, I can now fathom the importance of embracing, appreciating and respecting one's culture and traditions. I am Chinese - mata sepet and all.
- I cannot bleeding fit into an S-size dress. 'nuff said.
- Not going home as often as I should. The parents aren't getting any younger... and they won't be around forever *gulps*
- I'm a worry-wart. Honestly. I think too much. And really, life is stressful enough as it is, so I shouldn't really be adding more pressure onto myself right? But noooooo! I think about this, about that, about what-ifs, about everything. Even when I'm high - and I'm supposed to be layan-ing the high, and sometimes I still end up thinking about serious stuff.
Posted by Doreen at 1:48 pm
Blogs I read