Thursday, May 28, 2009
It's almost 6pm on a Thursday. Which means ONE more day at work for the week... Then Manado, here I come!
Posted by Doreen at 5:42 pm
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm glad American Idol (err... Season 8 is it?) is over. It can be a tad annoying when people ask me who my favourite singer is, or who is going to win the showdown between Adam and Kris. American Idol Season 1, I watched it - religiously. When Season 2 came, sometimes I watched it, sometimes I don't. Come Season 3, I remembered watching it towards the end. Then I just stopped. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 came and went. Randy is weird. Dog this and that. Paula is a motherly-drunkard. Simon is a twat, but only because it is scripted that way. Gotta have a balance, right? At the start of this recent season, I stumbled upon one of the audition days while channel surfing and devoted some minutes for a good laugh. But I never caught any of the following episodes. Sure, I know about Lambert, Gokey and Allen - they were all over the news, and people couldn't stop talking about them. I even stumbled upon blog entries about people caught between the whole Lambert-Allen warfare. I'm sure you've seen it on FaceBook too. Insane! I never really analyzed why I stopped watching American Idol. But I guess it got boring after all the other look-a-likes started appearing - One In a Million, Akademi Fantasia. But look here, if you're an American Idol fan, I do hope you can spare some time to read Ben Elton's Chart Throb. Or if you're not a fan, read it too. It will make you realize why you don't watch the show. I've got the book, and would gladly let you have a go at it.
Posted by Doreen at 4:49 pm
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hello Ministry of Health and Malaysia Airlines, one of the passengers onboard the Newark-KLIA flight resides in Ampang and refuses to report herself. This old Chinese auntie is a neighbour of a friend. "Dont want to go lah, so scary! I have no symptoms also!" For fuck's sake. There is a 7-day incubation period, and she'd rather sit at home not knowing, than to be certified free from the virus? ---------------------------------------------As I grow older, I find that my multi-tasking capability has dwindled. Recently, I answered the phone at the office with "Hello, AirAsia!"Yesterday evening, I was pondering over some Serious Matter while driving home from work. After enduring the 30-minute Kerinchi crawl (heading towards MidValley/Kuala Lumpur), I was eagerly looking forward to take the Jalan Kelang Lama exit to get home. But of course, in my preoccupied state of mind, I took the first exit which says Bangsar / MidValley City. Thing is, I saw the signboard, and still drove on. My brain seemed unable to process that bit of information and to make the connection of a wrong turn... until it was too late of course. You'd think that after using this route for so many times, it' be a close-eye-also-can-get-home thing. --------------------------------------------I'm dreaming about the Ayam Betutu (Roasted Chicken with Lemongrass Marinate) which we had over the weekend at Ole-Ole Bali. Don't have a picture, but here is a shot of the chicken dish from here. 
Looks DAMN good rite?
Well, IT IS!
Posted by Doreen at 10:41 am
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I have a folder labelled Holidays! on my Desktop.
Staring at the contents of this folder gives me great joy. No, the contents are not pictures from recent holidays or anything like that.
(click on image for larger view)
I love my PDFs!
Posted by Doreen at 1:15 pm
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I got my PADI Open Water Diver in Tioman last April... so being there a year later brought back nice memories. When I think about the very first time we entered the water from the shore of Swiss House Reef, I still shudder with excitement. A year on after the Open Water trip, we were back there to do the PADI Rescue Diver open water over the last weekend. My Rescue stint was a case of the rescuer also needing rescue when I collapsed onto the shore while pulling my victim out because I almost died of exhaustion. Tak larat sial! I was given a chance to re-do it. But it bugged the hell out of me because in an actual rescue situation, there won't be a second chance. So there, if you ever need me to rescue you in future (touch wood!) please bear in mind that I am reciting this in my head - The rescuer's safety takes priority. :POn this trip also, we assisted Lynette and Aaron who were there with 7 new open water students. As (soon-to-be) Dive Masters in training, for me, it was an experience like no other because this time round, it's not just about me and my buddy anymore. We had to learn how to look out for the others and to be able to quickly identify issues or problems when and if it arises. It's not easy (and Lynette might add that it's not hard either!), but practice will make perfect, and only God knows how determined am I to perfect it. Rescue Diver theory paper this weekend, so here's to doing it only once!
Posted by Doreen at 4:15 pm