Monday, May 29, 2006

It's Monday, therefore I'm tired

My weekend went by, *snaps fingers* just like that!

I remembered falling asleep with my head spinning and spinning (intoxicated, obviously) on Friday night... and then *snaps fingers again*, and via some supreme magical powers, I have been teleported straight to my desk, and everyone's already at the office.. and I'm like, "Yo! WTF?"

Monday already?

*sai mm sai kam fai wor?* (Cantonese: Need to be so fast or not?)

So, the holiday plans have been laid out. After JJ's concert on 1 July, I will travel to my little island paradise down south.

Not Singapore lah you fools. Since when did Singapore ever equate to paradise in MY book? Bah.

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Tioman, I'll see you on 7 July aight?

Oh God, please give me the strength and sanity to live to see pristine and white sandy beaches, sea glistening under the sun, and idle days of swinging on the hammock and getting high.


OK, I'm obviously over-worked and terribly sick of it.

Oh well, here goes a couple of pictures. Just because.

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I love how the slanted shadows are thrown over these objects.

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See how the water shines?

Posted by Doreen at 12:07 pm