Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The last week has been tough, and that is me painting you a nice picture. Heck, it's as nice a picture as seeing a school of mantas gliding above a diver. The last week has been trying. The last week has been mighty stressful. The last week has been, to put it simply, fucked up. The episode, though far from over, has made me realize things about myself which I never knew of, and taught me important lessons.I'm not quite the tough-and-in-control eldest child or da jie (big sister) that I thought I was. When I heard my baby's sister voice's over the phone, punctuated with heavy sobs, I mustered strength I never knew I had, to keep my voice from breaking despite my own tears. Family, to me, will always and only be of the nuclear kind. The rest may share the same last name, but they don't always fit the definition. Can I be so bold and say that blood is not (always) thicker than water? A good man raised me.A strong woman gave me her all.In times of conflict, I play defense. I can't score goals for nuts. Despite being geographically apart from one another, a family (the nuclear kind) will come together in heart and mind. In fact, during such trying times, we tend to feel so much closer, more united than ever. Funny innit? If you know my dad, you would know that he is a very, very, traditional and conservative Chinese man. I would think that it would take a lot for men in his generation to admit their fears. He did. And I'm so proud like that. Mom, she's a fighter that one. She fights not for herself, but for us. Bad things do happen to good people. Money isn't everything, but it is a lot of things.
Posted by Doreen at 9:21 pm
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Came across this on Juria's. The top ten most irritating phrases: (Article HERE. Hah, Gerrard!)1 - At the end of the day 2 - Fairly unique 3 - I personally 4 - At this moment in time 5 - With all due respect 6 - Absolutely 7 - It's a nightmare 8 - Shouldn't of 9 - 24/7 10 - It's not rocket science ----I'm guilty of #1, #3 and #6. That makes me somewhat irritating dontcha think? Like uhm, 30% irritating? How irritating are YOU?
Posted by Doreen at 9:58 am
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Stefi: Eh, I ask you lah... Doreen: What? Stefi: You know people eat ngau lan (literal translation: cow's penis) right? How come no one eat cow's vagina? -------Would anyone like to attempt? HAHAHAH!
Posted by Doreen at 2:35 pm
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Driving home late one night, we ended up fighting and screaming in the car. It must have been close to midnight, if not later.
“Let me out of the fucking car!” I screamed and proceeded to yank the car door open.
He pulled my arm to stop me from being stupid.
I exploded and at the top of my lungs, instructed him to pull over now, else I’ll jump out of the moving car.
Panic set it, and he pulled over. I pushed the car door open, jumped out and begin my walk away from the car. We were on one of the slip roads off Jalan Syed Putra, and I walked towards the main road leading to the roundabout.
I never looked back.
After 30 metres or so, a white Waja pulled up next to me.
Then it hit me.
Girl. Alone. Walking on the street. Dodgy neighbourhood like Brickfields just round the corner.
“Ah moi, nak gi mana?” the cop asked me. (Literal translation: Chinese girl, where are you going)
“Err… nak balik rumah”. (Err… going home)
They questioned me further, and I told them the boyfriend and I had an argument and pointed to the Proton Satria parked at the side of the road, some 30 metres behind me.
They asked me to go back into the car.
I nodded, and dejectedly traced my steps back.
----- End of Story -----
It happened a looooong time ago *sheepish grin*
This incident came to mind while tuning in to MixFM this morning, where a man shared a similar story of his girlfriend wanting to jump out of the car during an argument.
I felt the need to document this stupidity of mine.
Posted by Doreen at 9:49 am
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dear Monster,I met you in 1997... Do you remember how we first met? I don't actually. Taylor's College, mutual friends, but no other details. Heh, you know how fried my brain cells are. I feel like we've gone on a wild, wild ride. No roller-coaster in the world is gonna beat the ride that we've been on. It makes me dizzy. It makes my stomach turn. It makes me put my hands up in the air and scream with happiness. It makes me wanna ride on it over and over again. Happy Birthday, Monster. Love ya!
Posted by Doreen at 3:50 pm
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thanks to Dora, I now spend an insane amount of time browsing here. So here we are, still indulging in Obamaphoria.
HAHAHAHAHAH! Damn 'effin funny right?
Posted by Doreen at 4:38 pm
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Me: Oh my god, they're gonna decide on the new American President soon! Obama should win! Stefi: What does it have to do with you? Can you please mind your own business?
Posted by Doreen at 10:49 am
Monday, November 03, 2008
November has set in. Less than 2 months before we call it a wrap for 2008. Oh don't be silly. I'm not dying or anything like that. It's just... why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?Hah. Says who I procrastinate, eh? This year has been, fair to say, quite wild a ride. In January, I took my first ever solo trip to Bangkok. It was awesome travelling on my own. OK fine, all I did was scurry in and out of fashion markets and wholesale malls. Still!
Earlier this year too, I left the comforts of the events industry and jumped into *gasp* sales! Fine, so it was still within the realms of advertising, but at the end of the day, sales is sales. Either you perform and get rewarded. Or you don't, and get warning letters. Yes, I had my ups and downs, and lasted 6 months before I said 'thank you, but goodbye'. I would have loved to use the F word, but I shall refrain, just this once. Of course, getting my PADI certification is still the highlight of 2008.
I told myself that I'm going to be diving at all the East Coast islands first, before venturing out to East Malaysia, and maybe later, onto neighbouring waters like Indonesia and Thailand. But thanks to her, I ventured out to East Malaysia three months after being certified, and SWV will be up next in December.
That's TWO East Malaysian trips in under one year of being certified. Oh woman, what have you done to us?In 2008 too, I have grown a lot as a person. Don't know if it's a good thing, but at 27, I have pretty much resigned to the fact that as individuals in society, there is a pre-defined system that we have to adhere to -- school - uni - graduate - work - get married - have babies - raise them - work some more - grow old - retire - die. Sure, I knew this system existed before... But naive as I was, I thought I had the power to change my own route. I guess not. The slightest indication of deviating from this system on my part would result in frowns and disapproval.
They told me balance is they key. I guess I'll have to live with that.
Can't blame me for being cynical then.
They say that I want the cake and to eat it too. I mean, seriously - why have the cake if you ain't gonna eat it, non?
Some mistakes haunt you for a long, long, looooong time.
If you are still trying to figure out the above, don't worry - I'm just ranting lah.
Dammit, I'm growing old.
In less than 6 months, I'll be 28.
Posted by Doreen at 2:30 pm