Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Instead of the traditional turkey accompanied by bottles of merlot or cabernet sauvignon and pretty little cakes for Christmas, me and babe took a drive all the way to Klang for seafood.
I have no idea where it is if you ask me to direct you now - but I know it's at Tanjung Harapan in Northport, right by the beach! But it was too dark then, and I didn't exactly
see the sea, but under the moonlit night, I saw a mass of water ahead, and the air tasted salty. So we must be by the beach, right?

The jetty leading to the restaurant.

There is a stretch of similar looking restaurants along that road, so make sure you look for one that says Port Village!

See! We were not the only ones celebrating Christmas in a seafood restaurant in Klang! This place was PACKED.

This is how seafood restaurants should be.. you know, with lots of aquariums and all sorts of animals which can be eaten.. it gives patrons a feeling that the seafood is truly fresh!

We ordered a whole lot of food. Tofu with minced meat on a sizzling hot plate, fried
la la, asparagus with garlic, and... glorious crab in tomato and egg sauce! We ordered those round buns too, to be dipped in that delicious crab gravy. Alot of food innit?

Lots of finger licking was involved that night.

I realize Chinese seafood dinners are terribly messy.

And nothing beats a coconut after a hearty meal!
And all that for RM 73. Nyam.
Posted by Doreen at 3:24 pm
Thursday, December 22, 2005
With the advent of technology and modern tools of communication such as text messaging, e-cards, emails and whatnot, people sometimes tend to forget how important is it to actually greet and wish someone face to face, especially this festive season.
So here you go...

Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays. May you and your family be blessed with plenty of happiness, warmth, love and joy!
(see you after Christmas!)
Posted by Doreen at 4:55 pm
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Not only in China do we get to see funny signs and notices in English advertising a particular product, service, or providing information about a particular something. Here in Malaysia too we have people using funny words.

Oh yes, and a large fries to go with that delicious eyebag of yours please!
Posted by Doreen at 9:24 am
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
It's 5 days to Christmas. This year, I won't be going home to celebrate it with the family. This year, it will just be mom, dad, Daphne and Serene, with me here plagued with work and Elaine being in Scotland. This year, mom said she probably won't roast a turkey, and will probably do up a chicken instead.
Well, if you are like me - not going anywhere, not doing anything, and not having extra cash in your wallet to spend Christmas commercially, here are a few tips to appreciate and celebrate Christmas the way it is supposed to be - a time for plenty of love and peace and sincere giving from the heart.

1. Wake up slightly early to cook your partner a hearty breakfast on Christmas day. Avoid running to the nearest dim sum shop or the mamak behind your house for a quick takeaway. That doesn't count. Beat your eggs (or not - if you guys prefer it sunny side up), open that can of baked beans, toast some wholemeal bread and butter it up, let them sausages sizzle in your pan, and for that extra brownie points - prepare freshly squeeze orange juice. It's an easy enough breakfast which can be attempted by members of both sexes.
2. If you're a neat freak, this might scare the living daylights out of you - but do attempt to serve breakfast in bed. Aaah, forget those crumbs and whatnot. I'm sure you're enough of an adult to eat like an adult... yes? Yes, it may not be much of an aphrodisiac, but spoon-feeding your partner some gooey baked beans may ignite some love under the sheets.
3. Serve breakfast to your partner in a barely there Christmas outfit.
Ladies can try a lacy piece of negligee with some Christmas colours. You can also play with other outfits which carries a Christmassy feel - dressing up as angels is one. Splurging on an angel's dress is probably not a good idea because you are broke to start off with. So maybe a sexy white nightie, with a pair of white knee high boots. If you don't own a pair of knee high boots, try sexy strappy stilettos instead. And you can make your own halo with some shimmery gold paper. Else one of those tacky reindeer horns on a headband works just as well (but beware: that will NOT make you an angel anymore, but a reindeer). What? You need wings too? Why you so
ma fan? Well, I suggest you skip the wings. I don't know how to make wings. And I would presume buying a pair of wings is expensive. And
gentlemen, how about a cute pair of Christmas boxers? Yes, just the boxers and nothing else. But however, if you're a bit more adventurous, you could always throw on that pair of thongs, but I think men have a fear of wedgies. Men can also make their own halo, or wear a that headband. And of course, guys and girls, don't forget your Santa's hat! Hmm.. there seems like plenty of headgear to choose from - halo, reindeer headband, Santa's hat... you decide!
4. After breakfast, wipe that egg yolk and baked beans leftover from the sides of your mouth and proceed to give a gargantuan kiss to your partner. It's probably early in the morning and you both probably have not brushed your teeth, so I'll let you decide - will it be a gargantuan peck on the cheek? Or a gargantuan tongue-job?
5. And depending on which kiss you give, the responses will probably vary - if you opted for the peck, well, you might very well get a peck in return. Now if you included some tongue action, you might get more from him/her! Good luck deciding!
Now off you go. Merry Christmas guys!
Posted by Doreen at 9:45 am
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I enjoy watching soccer games, and particularly games between the English Premier League giants. My interest towards soccer started back in college days when I was sharing an apartment with a bunch of other boys who were into the EPL.
Like everyone else, I rooted for the Red Devils. They were in their glory days, and we all wanted to share the glory, no? And then of course there were good looking men for me to oggle at and I was particularly fond of Ryan Giggs. I've always thought his mob of curly black hair to be sexy. Yes, the hair on his head. The head on top of his neck. But these days, he sports a very short cut. Giggs is a fantastic player, probably one of the best left wingers and attacking players in the soccer world.
During the World Cup of 1998, the guys and me pooled some money together so we could have ASTRO at the apartment and watch the live games. On one particular match day, I stayed up all night with my Geography textbook on my lap and my eyes glued to the idiot box, while watching Italy play.. was it against Argentina or England, I couldn't remember. After the game, the guys and me went out for breakfast, and I rushed to college to sit for my Geography paper. I caught the Finals of World Cup 98 in Bali, between France and Brazil. Dad took us for a holiday there after my exams.
When Beckham married Victoria, I had a poster of the bride and groom, along with the entire team in my bedroom wall. That was a good poster. But sadly, I don't have it anymore.
For World Cup 2002, I was spending my final year in Perth. As Seoul and Japan played host to this event that particular year, we didn't have to stay up till the wee hours in the morning to catch the games because we were in a similar time zone. Most of the games I caught, I caught it alone at the apartment. The Aussies aren't that big on soccer, still preferring their Aussie footy and cricket matches. But I caught the opening game between France and Senegal with David and his parents. It was quite a different atmosphere. No noisy boys. No spilling beer and soft drinks. No "pass me the chips". No vulgarities. No bets. This is when I missed the guys whom I shared World Cup 1998 with.
These days, I hardly keep up with what's going on in the EPL, UEFA or any other leagues for that matter. Sure, I think Mourinho is a pig and a damn arrogant one, but he must be doing something right for the Blues. And I know Ferguson is in the shits now because his team didn't make it thru for European cup. And Beck's much publicized transfer to Spain and his brawl with Fergie back then. And then Keane's departure. And Ronaldo's rape allegation, Rooney being naughty, oh there's just too much drama going on.
As for the games, nah, I hardly ever watch soccer anymore. Maybe the occassional match or two, or when I happen to be with babe and there's a match he wants to catch. Or when there's a game like "Will MU end Arsenal's winning streak?" or something like that - then I'll be sure to watch it.
But if you ask me now, "Which team are you for?" - I'll still say Manchester United. Why? Because they will always have a place in my heart. The Red Devils is not just a soccer team for me. Manchester United is associated with my growing up years, and it brings back plenty of fond memories - of places, conversations and the people. Yes, the team has changed much from back then in 97/98. But so have I.
Here's to Manchester United and all Devils' supporters - congratulations on your 4-0 win against Wigan! Muahahahaha.
Posted by Doreen at 2:52 pm
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
You know that rule about colour matching your shoes and bag? OK, for women that is. That thought used to freak me out before I started working. I'd be thinking in horror about the amount of money I would need to spend buying shoes and bags of all sorts of colours to match my outfits when I started working.
Then when I started working, I decided that I'm not gonna splurge on just bags and shoes with all my hard-earned money! I mean, pfft! I'm just gonna stick to the basics - black bag, black shoes - and it matches any outfit. Right?
In the past 3 years of working, when dressing for work, it has
always been black bags for me. Black bag made of hard leather. Black mini bag with little straps. Black bag made of soft leather. Black bag with shoulder straps. Giant black bag made of PVC-ish material. Basically black bags of various different styles. I had a few odd coloured ones - a white one (a safe colour too!), a beige see-thru bag, a yellow waist pouch, a dark blue sling pouch with golden embroidery, and a few others.
But over the weekend while browsing through the shops, I made two purchases - a bag and a pair of heels.

Eureka! I can finally colour-coordinate my bag and shoes - and for once, it's not black.

The bag is GIANT. But I love it because it means everything can go right in. And it is super awesome because it is almost like a briefcase and I can also put files in there.

This pair of shoes is an absolute darling. Look at all the little pink diamante! *rubs my hands together excitedly*
And thanks to the Year End Sale, the bag and shoes were both slashed by 50%, making it RM54.95 and RM RM 29.75 respectively.
Posted by Doreen at 5:26 pm
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tan Ah Beng receives an invitation for a party on the 20 December 2005, and it is clearly stated on the invitation card that he needs to RSVP by 10 December. This will give the host ample time to make the necessary banquetting arrangements. But come 10 December, Ah Beng never made that call, nor a short email or an SMS confirming his attendance.
The host will then have to go around making the calls to those who did not bother to RSVP.
Host: Ah Beng, did you receive my invitation for the party on the 20th? You didn't RSVP, so I'm calling to confirm your attendance.
Ah Beng: What? RSVP? No need lah, I tell you 2 days before lah.. now cannot confirm le!
Host: Cannot lah, I need time to make the necessary arrangements for food..
Ah Beng: Er.. OK lah, OK lah, what day again ah?
Host: 20 December at 7pm, at my new condo in Mont Kiara.
Ah Beng: Wah! You move to Mont Kiara already ah? Strike lottery ah you? Aiya... 7pm very early leh. 8 o'clock can or not?
Host: Well, cocktail starts at 7pm...
Ah Beng: OK lah, RSVP lah. Me and my wife.
Host: Excellent! I'll see you both then!
With the year end festivities around the corner, if you are in the mood to throw a party and plan to invite friends and family over for an evening of merriment with great food, bottles of chardonnay and merlot, and gregarious company - please remember one thing - sadly, Malaysians do not understand the term
RSVP is a French abbreviation, which stands for
repondez s'il vous plait, or in plain laymen English, to
please respond or reply.
To those attending parties and dinners this festive season, or if you've received an invitation and that card sits somewhere on your messy work station, dig it out now!
When an RSVP is indicated on the invitation card, the host(s) expects you to notify him/her of your attendance. When you receive an invitation to attend a party or a function of any sort, you should be honoured that the host thought of you and want you to be a part of his/her celebrations. Can't you then quickly look through your organizer or PDA, and thus quickly return a call to tell the host whether or not you will be joining in the celebration?
If the invitation states "Tan Ah Beng & partner", then you are most welcomed to bring along your partner or a friend. If however the invitation only reads your name, don't go asking if you can bring your cat, grandmother and third-uncle along. That's not very nice.
Come 20 December, Tan Ah Beng and wife never showed up.
Sigh. When will we ever learn?
Posted by Doreen at 1:40 pm
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
It's that time of the year again, when people reflect on the year gone by and make new plans and resolutions for the coming year. With 24 days left before we bid adieu to 2005, I'm not really big on making plans and resolutions. The farthest I can see now is my New Year's eve celebration (but you see, Mr. B from the Blue Telco just called me this morning informing me of a party which I'm expected to be at on 31 Dec.. and I cringe thinking about that because my plan was to celebrate New Year's eve at home with plenty of food and alcohol).
As for plans for the coming year, I'll figure the rest of it out as I go along in 2006. That leaves me with plenty of time on hand for reflection.
To those I've hurt either via a string of verbal abuse hurled at you or that you were subjected to a series of sarcastic remarks by me, physically by stepping on your toes while I'm tottering around klutzily in my 3-inch heels, emotionally by course of my actions which you've deemed irresponsible and negligent, mentally by me giving you pressure in the form of work issues, relationship matters, and any other trivial or nitty matters - I am sorry.
I am sorry if I've eye-balled you on the street because you were gawking at my breasts, in the cafe because you were talking loudly on your mobile phone and ignoring the presence of other patrons, in the lift when you insisted on squeezing in despite the buzzing sound indicating an overload, and after the door wouldn't shut; you look around to check for fat ones and expect THEM to step out instead, and at the mall because we both reached for the last strip of white Vitagen and you snatched it off the shelf even before I could say "Piss off!".
I am apologetic to the authorities because I bribed your traffic officers, flirted with them to avoid getting a fine, sucked air instead of blowing air out when asked to do a breath test during roadblocks (and passed!), and on most occassions think that policemen look like big, brown, fat pigs who are perpetually stuffing their faces (literally and metaphorically).
I hope also to be forgiven for all the times when I've morbidly cursed the person who tailgated me and by being a road bully who incessantly kept flashing his lights at me from the back, the person who hovers above the toilet to pee instead of sitting on it; and thus causing yellow stains of urine all around the toilet seat, the person who stole my rusty stapler in the office, and the person who smeared make-up around the collar of the last piece of blouse which I wanted.
I am also sorry for being snooty by bitching about you and your non-existent sex life, mocked your sense of fashion; but only because you turn up in public wearing such a gaudy looking thing, getting impatient with your lack of command of the English language when speaking to you over the phone that I end up shouting "You Cina? Melayu? India?" so that I can try to converse to you in your mother tongue instead (but then I remember that I can't speak Tamil or Hindi).
And last but not least....
To my family - my parents and my sisters - you're the only thing in this world that I will sacrifice anything for. Really. Because I know you will be there for me no matter what, stick by me through thick and thin, forgive me and still love me all the same despite the things I've said or done which have caused you sleepless nights, hurt and despair. I promise to be better.
To my babe - Love ya! And thank you for loving me back!
To my friends - I know I'm not exactly a perfect 10 when it comes to being a good friend but I'm trying all the same. Remember that time when I cancelled on you last minute because I was too lazy to get out of bed but gave you a lame excuse? Remember that time when I left you waiting at the cafe because I under-estimated my travelling time and spent too much time on deciding on which outfit to wear? Remember the times when I said I'd call but didn't? Remember that time when I had too much to drink and ended up puking my guts out by the side of the road and you had to wait a couple of hours before I sobered up and then drive me home? Remember that time when I told you that I'm on the highway heading to your place, but I was really just leaving my house then? Remember that time when I forgot to pay you for the movie tickets you helped me purchase? I'm sorry for it all.
Posted by Doreen at 3:09 pm
Monday, December 05, 2005
The Homegrown Finale Concert presented by X-Pax, was held on 3 December 2005, at the Sunway Lagoon Amphitheatre. The evening's rock show was set to feature local rock bands and the line-up included One Buck Short, Deja Voodoo Spells, 7 Collar T-Shirt, Love Me Butch, Republic of Brickfields and Pop Shuvit.
The highlight of the night was of course the closing of the SMS votes which will determine whether Pop Shuvit will smash one of their guitars on stage tonight, or have the guitar given to a fan. How often do you get to see a FREE rock show and have one of the bands smash their guitar to pieces in front of your eyes? *rubs my hands together excitedly*
With a Crew Tag in place, I managed to make my way into the premises even before doors were opened to the public - but that proved fatal because I soon got lost. Right, so everyone's supposed to go in via the Elephant Walk.. Never knew the existence of this Elephant Walk. There was a winding road that led me downhill with tress on both sides. It's almost like being in Taman Negara - except I won't really know how Taman Negara is like never having been there before.
There was another guy with me walking towards the Amphitheatre, and I guess both of us don't have any idea where it is, all that we could hear was the distant sounds of rock music.
Somehow or the other, we decided to venture on the road less taken. There were some stony steps leading downhill, that's right - right thru the hills and tress. I'm not much of a jungle trekking girl, so it actually spooked me a bit, just never know if some creature will pounce on you from out of no where!
Both of us made small talk, and he told me that he plays for Deja Voodoo Spells, and that he's late for soundcheck. I didn't ask for his name then, but looking through my archives of pictures from the Homegrown Campus Tour, I now found out that he's the bassist.

Bassist Guy is real nice. He led me thru winding paths downhill on cobbled trails, and even extended his hand for support when we had to cross some steep slope with soft, muddy ground. But of course during our hike downhill, we never stopped cursing. OK, at least I didn't. Heh.
Thanks dude!
Anyways, I thought I'll post some pictures taken from the concert -

Security check point.

Entrance to Homegrown Finale Concert, and Celcom customers get to redeem a pocket radio!

The view of Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel at sunset from across the lake.

Entrance to the stage area.

Malaysian time - Bila nak start nih?

Finally! Emcee Rina from 8TV introduced all the bands who were set to rock the show that night.

The launch - the backdrop was unveiled and fireworks marked the beginning of the show.

The excited crowd.

One Buck Short - the opening act. They delivered a very enthusiastic performance with Mookie jumping around as usual.

Going wild!

Republic of Brickfields - full Rasta gear, with dreadlocks and all!


I don't know you, but let's all hug and dance together!

Still Republic of Brickfields - See that guy in black? He's actually wearing a pareo. Gotta admit - it looks pretty cool. Not any guy can pull this off no?

Very supportive Malaysian crowd no?

And a last shot of the hotel again, before I left.
I only had time to stay on to watch 2 bands perform, but with a crowd of 3000 there that night - I bet the rest of the evening was even more heated up! And yes, Pop Shuvit DID smash their guitar on stage that night! Too bad I didn't get to witness it.
Oh, and the road less taken? Well, that was the wrong way. The winding road that we were initially on - now that's the right one. It just goes all the way down - just gotta follow it. Duh. I found out when I made my way back to the parking lot.
Posted by Doreen at 12:44 pm
Friday, December 02, 2005
These days, on a normal weekday from 9am to 6pm, most of my day's task concern and revolve around the Blue Telco. Then again, it is expected because we're running a huge project with them, and since the Blue Telco is a big client of ours, we have to have our guard up all the time. Also because the project is a year-long programme, so work is non-stop and continuous - meetings, proposals, recces, costings, events, brainstorming sessions, etc.
When I got home yesterday evening, tired out from the day's work, I realized that the Blue Telco has even started to invade my private domain!

I don't have a curtain for this window, but this bunting makes a nice replacement don't you think?

Actually I find this purple bag hideous. But I use it to keep my CDs. Yes, I need more folders.

Anna wanted to borrow my black cocktail dress some time ago, and I gave the dress to her in this bag. She returned it back to me in the same purple bag. The bag now lies atop the rest of my other bags.

I actually quite like this paper bag because it has long straps, and it can be conveniently hung on my shoulders.

Durable keychain made of rubber.

Pretty bookmarks sitting in a miniature version of a magazine/newspaper rack.

And of course, if you want to score brownie points with your client the Blue Telco, you don't use the services of the Yellow and Green Telco.
Posted by Doreen at 9:57 am